Tuesday 12 November 2013

Cancer does not discriminate

Earlier on last week the team at Granite Planet were going about our normal operations, when two ladies walked in campaigning about the Pink Ribbon initiative through NBCF.

What is NBCF? NBCF stands for the National Breast Cancer Foundation. "In 1994, when NBCF was founded, 30 percent of women diagnosed with breast cancer lost their battle. In less than 20 years, through research, that percentage has halved" - Carole Renouf.

Source: http://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/health/i-found-a-lump-on-my-honeymoon/story-fneuzlbd-1226465363466

The foundation's ultimate goal is to eliminate all deaths caused by breast cancer by 2030. To achieve this goal the foundation needs donations to feed research and help prevent/treat breast cancer. Early detection is key to treating cancer and by creating awareness through funded research it will contribute in the plight of saving lives.

A PERSONAL ACCOUNT - Granite Planet PR Marketing Manager
Cancer does not discriminate - young, old, gender or race. Sitting with my 70 year old aunty in a hospital waiting room with fellow cancer patients and waiting for her radiation session proved that to me. At 70 she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She was proactive and sought relevant treatment to help get through the illness. Research and treatment has come so far and my aunty was a survivor through early detection and by receiving the right treatment to help her particular case. For others this may not be the case...
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