Wednesday 11 September 2013

"R U OK? DAY": Tomorrow, September 12th, marks the very day.

Generally when we greet people it starts with "Hello, how are you?", but do you actually listen to that person's response?

The 'R U OK? Foundation', has set-up an "R U OK?Day" national campaign to help gauge other people's feelings and support those who may be struggling with their life. It is also a day to remind yourself about how you feel and whether you need support?

Tomorrow marks the very day. It's about re-enforcing the idea to ask those around you about whether they "are ok" and for you to listen out for a meaningful response, as to how they are really feeling. Whether it be your friends, family or colleagues, give it a go and make a difference. At Granite Planet, we will.

The foundation is there "to help create a world where all people connect...". For more information please see here:

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